The horrific murders in Colorado in and around a Planned Parenthood Clinic will be ammunition in the days to come for all the pro-abortion anger against pro-lifers. The one story that I am sure the media won't cover is the that of the pro-life Christian police officer who died trying to save people at the clinic who were doing the very thing he hated. This posting is from the blog-site Cripplegate. The link is found in the title. NOVEMBER 28, 2015 Swasey’s Last Sermon by Jordan Standridge Garrett Swasey was the officer killed trying to rescue people at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs . Swasey was shot while saving people at a place he abhorred. He was an elder of a church that believed in the inerrancy of Scripture, and that abortion is evil. Let that sink in. A man who hated abortion and hated murder–who gave his life helping others–didn’t hesitate about going to Planned Parenthood to save lives. Garret...