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Showing posts from June, 2017

Quotation of the Week

Though it’s a subtle difference, there is a great chasm between being an attractive church and an attractional church. One intentionally tries to draw a crowd, while the other goes about doing their ministry and the crowds show up, maybe. Jesus didn’t have healing services in hopes that people would show up. He healed people because that is who He is and people showed up as a result. The attractional model, though, draws a crowd and hopes to slip the gospel in the backdoor. One has confidence in who they are and they other is like a junior high boy who doesn’t have enough confidence in his person to drop the frills and just be himself. Mike Leake

Quotation of the Week

I think we have a hard time seeing the place of happiness in the Christian life because we fail to understand that God is happy and that He created us to find delight and satisfaction in Him. Randy Alcorn