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No More Common Sense

This past Sunday I preached on John 16:5-15 concerning the work of the Holy Spirit.  In that passage, Christ tells his disciples that the Spirit will convict, lead them in truth, and focus on glorifying Christ.  These three things are not found in many ministries that claim to have the corner on the Holy Spirit.  I suggested that any ministry that lacks these things, could not rightly be called a ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Today I returned to my desk and came across a blog by a well-respected evangelical pastor.  I will not name him because, in general, I have high regard for the man and his ministry.  However, in the article, he argues that those of us who are not part of the Charismatic movement have no right to speak out against what we see happening within.  In particular, he contended that there was no reason to believe that the gift of prophecy had ceased.  He made no claim to have this gift himself, but he gave credence to those who claim that they do.

Has all common sense been abandoned by the church of Jesus Christ?  Can we really believe that prophecies inspired by the Holy Spirit of God would have a lower percentage of accuracy than the participants at the local psychic fair?  He is the Spirit of TRUTH.  How can the Spirit whose very essence is truth inspire prophecies that are lies?  It seems to me that is the work of a very different spirit. 

Further, how can the Spirit who inspired every word of the Bible give revelations that contradict the Bible?  If He is the Spirit of Truth, any new truth must line up with the truth He has already revealed.

Can we not say that the Holy Spirit is not changing ordinary fillings to gold?  Can we not say that any Spirit that tells someone to drop-kick a sick person in the stomach to cure his cancer, is not God's Spirit?  Can we not say that the Spirit never tells any huckster that they need a 65 million dollar jet?  Can we not tell our people the Words of John to "not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world (1Jo 4:1 ESV)" without being told that we are judgmental?

It would seem to be common sense to me, but I guess that's in pretty short supply today.


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