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What does the LGBT community want?

Tony Campolo has become the latest "Evangelical" leader to come out and declare that he is now in favour of gay marriage.  In evaluating this move, Carl Trueman writes the following:

The saddest part of Campolo’s change of mind, however, is that it will not be enough, as early responses from the gay community already indicate. Even a moment’s reflection on the Bruce Jenner affair or a casual conversation with a teenager would reveal to him that the gay issue is, as far as the secular world is considered, done and dusted. All Campolo has done as an evangelical is modify his sexual ethics to conform to the comfortable, safe, middle-class tastes of modern America. He will shock no-one but evangelicals—and, I might add, only evangelicals unfamiliar with his other work.
As the ever lengthening DNA chain of the LGBTQQIAAP lobby indicates, Campolo is just the latest example of a perennial evangelical tendency on matters of culture: He is a day late and a dollar short. And the people whose community he now chooses to serve will not be satisfied with that. One wonders if even he will be satisfied with it in the long run.{article at}
The truthfulness of this evaluation is immediately supported by the writings of a lesbian "Christian" blogger:
In the midst of this great step forward by Dr. Campolo, I do believe two critiques are necessary: It is not enough that Christian leaders simply step forward and announce their support for gay and lesbian Christians. It’s also important that they acknowledge the harm that has been caused by their use of an un-affirming theology and that they publicly repent for their sin of exclusion. This is a key move that many Christians leaders who have changed their mind have not considered, but is perhaps even more important than announcing their support for inclusion and equality. In order for LGBTQ to find the healing that we need, the acknowledgement of the oppression and harm we have faced  at the hands of Christian pastors, teachers, and theologians is essential.
It is also notable that Dr. Campolo only addresses “gay and lesbians”, without acknowledging bisexual, queer, and trans* people. For far too long, in both the Church and the broader LGBTQ community, these minorities have felt invisible. When Christians are moved to announce their support for inclusion, it is also essential that they include all sexual minorities. Otherwise, the oppressive cycle of invisibility will be perpetuated. {article at}
Everyone claims that LGBT people just want to be treated equally.  No they do not.  They want to purge all decision and have reparations made for all perceived sins.  This is not about "live and let live."  This is about destroying one world view in order to promote another.  Even those who capitulate, like Campolo, cannot satisfy the voracious demands of the LGBT community.


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