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I know the plans I have for you. . .

We are not far off of a federal election in Canada.  The choices in many ways are completely underwhelming.  Two of our federal parties do not permit candidates to run for the party unless they sign on to a pro-abortion position.  The third party has been in power for ten years and though many within the party are pro-life, when push came to shove the leadership undermined any legislation its members brought forward.

We have legalized homosexual marriage.  As a nation we have legislation in place (as yet untested in a law court) that makes it a hate crime to speak against homosexuality from the pulpit.  We have kangaroo courts of human rights that can impose fines and demand sensitivity training without any legal recourse on the part of the accused. 

The Toronto transit commission allows Muslims to put adds on its buses and subway cars that deny the deity of Jesus. At the same time the same commission forbids any advertising that might be considered offensive to Muslims.  Our national political leaders are debating receiving more Muslim refugees from Syria, but are totally silent about the Christians being exterminated in the Middle East.

 On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man. (Psa 12:8 ESV)
People ask me "Aren't you trusting in God's sovereignty for the election?  Absolutely.  I know God is in control.  However, I realize that God's sovereignty has a double-edge.  He can use that sovereignty to once more graciously extend His mercy.  Unfortunately, if He gives us what we deserve, He can use that sovereignty to rightly and justly bring judgment.

You see I don't know the plans He has for us in Canada.  I pray that His plan is mercy, but I know His plan could give us exactly what our actions deserve - judgment.


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