It annoys me that we still fight in churches over music. There is no area where Christians express less mercy than when the church doesn't pander to their particular musical tastes. Many accuse the older people of this, but I have found that young people are just as rigid in their demands. So last year in a sermon, I joked that we were going to all bagpipes all the time. Who knew that I was ahead of my time.
Why the Jewish Messiah is the Most Important Individual in History by Eric Davis What Christmas commemorates is big for many reasons. With the incarnation comes the Savior. For those who repent, there is justification, adoption, redemption, reconciliation, regeneration, sanctification, and, one day, glorification. But if we back up a bit, with the incarnation, there is the arrival of the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. It’s difficult for a 21 st century audience to appreciate the century-long yearning which the Hebrews had for the Messiah’s arrival. But why? What is the significance of the Jewish Messiah? Read the Article HERE .