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Praying for your Husband

This is an excellent little article suggesting 5 things every wife should pray for her husband.

5 Prayers to Pray For Your Husband (click title for original article)

Strength in the midst of discouragement
Lord, I pray that my husband would turn immediately to you when discouragement steals into his heart and mind. I pray his reflex would be to remember that his High Priest sympathizes with his every weakness. May your compassion usher him into your throne room that he might find mercy and help in his time of need. God, use every heartbreak, disappointment, and stress to pull him into greater intimacy with you. May discouragement give way to worship as he boasts in you only.
Vision to see
Christ, be my husband’s vision when life feels tedious and his days are long. Enable him to find joy and fulfillment in what you have called him to today. Help him not be distracted by regret for yesterday, or with longing for tomorrow. May his sense of identity be in the son-ship that you have purchased on the cross. And may he measure his success by his obedience and heart’s submission to you alone.
Peace that guards
Jesus, give my husband boldness to believe your forgiveness, a willing heart to repent, and peace to rest in your finished work. I pray that your peace would guard him in you every time the enemy or his heart rises up to accuse him. May he find comfort as he remembers that you stand in his defense before the Father every day interceding on his behalf. I pray you would teach him how to keep his mind steadfastly on you so that your peace would guard his heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Power in temptation
Lord, would you deliver my husband from every evil tactic and trap of the enemy. I pray that he would walk in your power as he resists temptation. When exhaustion, stress, or distraction make him more vulnerable to temptation, give him discernment to be watchful over his eyes, mind, and heart. I pray that when the enemy seeks to isolate and harass him with shame, the truth of his righteousness would protect him. And I pray that he would not be led off by the pride of life or the lust of the eyes but that he would resist Satan, submit to you, and stand firm.
Christ, return to him the joy of his salvation. I pray that in life he would not forget the joy of being your son, the fun of being on adventure with you, and his eternal hope of glory. May this joy daily recount your goodness and faithfulness. I pray he would know the soul’s contentment that comes from trusting in you. I pray his joy would help him seize every opportunity for laughter and lightness of heart. May the joy of the Lord be his strength today.


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