As parents we often fall into the well-intentioned trap of sparing our children from any sort of negative experience. Yet Jesus said that in the world we would have trouble. How do you prepare your child for suffering?
Read the six HERE
How to Prepare Your Children for Suffering
I don’t like the fact that my kids will suffer. I prefer the happy concept commonly stated as a parent’s desired goal, “I just want my kids to be happy.”
Prevention and protection are things most parents do naturally. Some of us prevent and protect to the detriment of our kids. We shield them from disappointment. We guard them from discomfort. We hover over homework to fend off failure. We are poised to pounce if they sit on the bench. We rescue, we blame, and we excuse.
We want our kids to be safe, successful, happy, and comfortable. We don’t want them to struggle. Yet Jesus told the disciples in >John 16:33b, “In this world you will have trouble.”
Suffering is part of the human experience. It produces a silver lining of perseverance, responsibility, accountability, humility, and empathy. The challenges our kids face create opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth. Creativity and problem solving abilities are birthed and confidence is cultivated. Hard times can draw our kids closer to God. Knowing this, it is easier to allow suffering to enter our kids’ lives without running interference.
Here are six ways to prepare kids for suffering: