The debate has raged for the last number of months on Christian social media about whether we ought to go see "The Shack." The answer has been brought to us by the author himself. He has just published a new book called "Lies We Believe about God." In it he openly reveals that he has seriously departed from historic Christian doctrine.
Who originated the Cross? . . . If God did, then we worship a cosmic abuser, who in Divine Wisdom created a means to torture human beings in the most painful and abhorrent manner. Frankly, it is often this very cruel and monstrous god that the atheist refuses to acknowledge or grant credibility in any sense. And rightly so. Better no god at all, than this one. (Paul Young)
Read a good article on Young's heretical doctrine HERE.
So - no - don't waste your money on the Shack.
Who originated the Cross? . . . If God did, then we worship a cosmic abuser, who in Divine Wisdom created a means to torture human beings in the most painful and abhorrent manner. Frankly, it is often this very cruel and monstrous god that the atheist refuses to acknowledge or grant credibility in any sense. And rightly so. Better no god at all, than this one. (Paul Young)
Read a good article on Young's heretical doctrine HERE.
So - no - don't waste your money on the Shack.