Aaron Denlinger shows the absurdity of saying that we love Jesus, but hate His Church:
Forgive my bluntness, but claiming to love Jesus while wanting nothing to do with the church is just stupid. If the “Jesus” we’re talking about is the God-man whose life, death, resurrection, and ascension is described and defined for us by the inspired writings of those he commissioned to disciple the nations, then the “church” we’re talking about must be the entity described and defined for us by those same writings. The “church,” according to those writings, is Christ’s bride, whom he loves, whom he nourishes, whom he died for (see Eph. 5:25-32). As the hymnist puts it: “From Heaven he came and sought her, to be his holy bride. With his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.” Professing love for Christ but little for the church makes about as much sense as saying you like me and want to spend time with me, but really can’t stand my wife and would prefer not to have her around. You can imagine the response you’d get if you invited me around for dinner, and then added, “but please leave Louise at home. We really want nothing to do with her. It’s only you we want to get to know. It’s only you we want to spend time with.”
Read his whole article HERE.