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A Child of the King

In our adult Sunday School summer class we have been studying the phrase "in Christ."  As I was preparing for Sunday's lesson an old Imperials song kept running through my mind.

Now Satan is a liar,
And he wants to make us think,
That we are paupers, when he knows himself,
We're children of the King.

As a result of being placed in Christ by God's grace, we have been adopted into God's family.  We have been made joint-heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17).  We have been made part of the household of faith (Ephesians 2:19). 

The enemy tries to make God a killjoy who is miserly with the blessings He gives to His children.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We are children of the King upon whom God has lavished (I love that word) the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7-8).


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