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More Thoughts on The Dignity of Man

Every day I drive to and from the church on a path that takes me right past the downtown of our city.  I often get stopped by the light at the corner of what might be called our town's main street.  As I have sat waiting at that intersection some truly memorable people have passed me by.  There have been innumerable drunks and drug addicts.  Though I can't be 100% sure, I think I have seen more than a couple of prostitutes.  There are the shirtless men who are so covered with tattoos that one would have difficulty finding a bare inch of skin and the single moms with a less-than-well-cared-for child in the cheap stroller.

It would be exceedingly easy to sit and pass judgment upon those who pass by.  Certainly for some, lifestyle choices have contributed to the place in which they find themselves.  However, I am not called by God to pass judgment.  I am called to see in these people the image of God.  Yes even here it is present - and even here God desires to redeem it through the work of Christ.  I am constantly having to re-educate myself to remember that no matter how far we have slipped, Christ enjoys redeeming His children.

Let me see this world, dear Lord, 
As though I were looking through Your eyes. 
A world of men who don’t want You Lord, 
But a world for which You died.
Let me kneel with You in the garden, 
Blur my eyes with tears of agony; 
For if once I could see this world the way You see, 
I just know I’d serve You more faithfully.
Let me see this world, dear Lord, 
Through Your eyes when men mock Your Holy Name. 
When they beat You and spat upon You, Lord, 
Let me love them as You loved them just the same.
Let me stand high above my petty problems, 
And grieve for men, hell bound eternally; 
For if once I could see this world the way You see, 
I just know I’d serve You more faithfully.


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