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30+ Things You Miss by Not Attending Church

Kevin Halloran lists some important things one loses by missing church.

Why Go to Church?

According to recent Pew Research data, only 35% of American Christians consider attending religious services as an essential part of their faith.1 Only 28% listed “helping out in your congregation” as essential.

It appears that the majority of self-proclaimed Christians do not know how to answer the question, “Why go to church?”

Why the Complacency?

We can point to several reasons for this: the rise of secularism in society, a celebration of individual autonomy paired with a rejection of institutional faith and authority, and “finding God other places.”

1. You miss out on obedience to the command to not give up meeting together (Hebrews 10:24-25).
2. You miss out on loving God in your obedience, and as a result, experiencing him more deeply (John 14:21).
Read the rest HERE


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