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Families' Fridays

November has traditionally been the month the church focuses on our persecuted sisters and brothers around the world.  Here is a helpful article to involve your children.

David’s Zeal for North Korean Christians

A six-year-old boy looked up at my husband, Nik, with eyes as big as saucers. Those eyes are a sight forever etched on my mind. After a Sunday morning service, his mom, Debbie, asked us if her little boy, David, could talk to us before the evening service. We arrived a few minutes early in order to talk with him, and he was already sitting on the front row waiting for us.
“What is it like for Christians in North Korea?” he blurted, even before we got to the front of the church. What six-year-old boy even knows there are Christians in the most persecuted place on the planet? What six-year-old child cares that believers are severely persecuted and can lose their lives if they follow Jesus and share Him with their families? Who even knows about the difficulties of believers who are locked away in camps and interrogated and abused?
Read the REST


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