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Quotation of the Week

Cultural snobbery rooted in personal superiority is a cancer of our time. America famously practices what Richard Hofstadter called “politics in the paranoid style,” but in truth, we don’t confine our paranoia to politics. We politicize everything today: the national anthem, sustainable food, cars and trucks, love of country, music, sports. All the good stuff and everything else besides. Even as America grows supposedly less religious, it becomes all the more chiliast. The secular apocalypse haunts us far more than the spiritual one ever did.
Because of this secular spirituality, we demonize those who do not share our practices. They become the incubators of original sin. So we turn our backs on them. We write them off. They do not deserve our fair-mindedness. Other people who mostly agree with us, who share a variation on our theme, do merit tolerance, but the counter-culturalists do not.
Owen Strachan


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