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The Importance of Congregational Singing

Keith Getty discusses the importance of singing together as a church family in this article.

I love Yo-Yo Ma.
The stellar, nearly flawless strokes of his bow dancing upon tensioned strings—they resurrect meticulously crafted melodies conjured centuries ago among master musicians.
Centuries have passed since then. And yet I lie on my bed at night listening to these classics, revived at the hands of a modern prodigy—every note coming to me through tiny, white headphones, as if passing through time and space.
Oh, how things have changed from the days when my parents would take us on Sunday evenings to the homes of missionary or pastor friends. These nights would often end with everyone singing together, even though some of us with more dubious musical giftings could make the whole affair excruciating.
Yo-Yo Ma it was not.
But it was something, and something special. Perhaps the less-than-subtle changes between those days and now bear witness to how we digest music differently—a change that’s made its way into our churches.
Read the rest HERE


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