There are many people who put great store in the horoscopes they read in the newspaper. They look high and low for someone to tell their future or give their fortune. Of course such belief is misplaced biblically. There is only one who knows the future and our purpose is to trust him alone.
As anecdotal evidence that such beliefs are foolish, I submit this for your laugh of the day. For those who don't know me, I am an overweight man of 51 years who looks at least that old in every way. Yet in two separate visits to two different Chinese restaurants in the last few months, I received the exact same fortune in my cookie. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe it proves that all such fortunes are bunk. My Fortune?
"You are especially attractive this month."
I rest my case.
As anecdotal evidence that such beliefs are foolish, I submit this for your laugh of the day. For those who don't know me, I am an overweight man of 51 years who looks at least that old in every way. Yet in two separate visits to two different Chinese restaurants in the last few months, I received the exact same fortune in my cookie. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe it proves that all such fortunes are bunk. My Fortune?
"You are especially attractive this month."
I rest my case.