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All Oprah fans need to read this article

Undercover at Oprah's Tour

Paula Hendricks
Paula Hendricks | 09.22.14
"We come from the stars. . . . How amazing is that?" These were Oprah's opening words at The Life You Want Weekend 2014 Tour.

Undercover at Oprah's Tour

I know, because I was there. Oprah Winfrey’s The Life You Want Weekend Tour is drawing women like crazy, and I wanted to see what women are feasting on. What is Oprah feeding them? I figured I'd return to the office with fresh passion for why I do what I do.
I got that . . . and more.

As I slipped into my seat just minutes before the tour started with my pen and notebook, I asked God for compassion, wisdom, and discernment.

Those prayers quickly turned toward marriages and families as Elizabeth Gilbert encouraged women to go on a quest (even if it meant divorcing their husbands, as she did, in order to "find themselves").

I prayed for Rob Bell, who, according to TIME magazine, "is at the forefront of a rethinking of Christianity in America." I prayed big, that Rob would share the Gospel without even being able to help himself, but . . . alas. There was not one mention of sin or of our need for a Savior.

I prayed for speakers Oprah and Mark Nepo and Iyanla Vanzant. You might assume I left discouraged, disheartened, and thoroughly defeated, but just the opposite is true.
I left praying prayers of thankfulness.

Click Undercover at the top to read the rest of the article


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