He hungered - but He fed thousands...
He was wearied, but He is the Rest of them that are weary...
He was heavy with sleep, but He walked lightly over the sea...
He prays, but He hears prayers.
He weeps, but he causes tears to cease.
He asks where Lazarus was laid, for He was Man; but He raises Lazarus, for He was God.
He is sold, and very cheap, for it is only thirty pieces of silver; but He redeems the world...
As a sheep He is led to the slaughter, but He is the Shepherd of Israel, and now of the whole world also.
As a Lamb He is silent, yet He is the Word...
He is...wounded, but He healeth every disease...
He dies, but He gives life...
If the one gives you a starting point for your error, let the others put an end to it.
If the one gives you a starting point for your error, let the others put an end to it.
Gregory Nazianzen, c329 - 389/390 AD