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Ontario Christians Need to Read This

Parents undermined in Ontario curriculum plans

    On October 30th, the Ontario government signaled that they will again be introducing controversial changes to the sex-ed curriculum in Ontario. Our readers might remember the furor that arose after a graphic sex ed curriculum was introduced in 2010. Its explicit description of various sex acts and behaviours rightly outraged parents and so the government at that time quickly shelved the curriculum. However, this fall, Premier Wynne (who was Education Minister when the earlier version was introduced) has now stated that elementary schools will begin teaching the proposed sex education curriculum in the fall of 2015.
    The education minister, Ms. Liz Sandals, also announced that parents will be consulted in this process. However, on closer inspection, those parents will be 4,000 pre-selected parents, one for each elementary school in the province. Clearly the government does not want to hear from the vast majority of parents, or those who want to exercise their democratic responsibility to interact with the laws and policies of their province.
    According to the 2011 census (check out the third chart on the right of the linked article), there are 3,612,205 families in Ontario, of which 63.2% or 2,282,914 are families with children. And the current government is only allowing 4,000 pre-selected parents to give feedback on an online survey about curriculum changes. That is, the government is seeking a survey response from preselected parents representing only 0.175% of the total number of families with childrenin the province. Calling that "parental consultation" is insulting to say the least.
    Read the rest of the article HERE


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