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A young woman starves herself because she believes that she is fat despite the fact that her body is dangerously thin.  Society demands that we intervene in a fashion that helps this young woman to bring her understanding into line with the reality of her body's condition.

A second young woman decides that she is really a man despite the fact that she is clearly, biologically a woman.  In this case, society demands that we support her in her contrary to reality understanding of her body, we must pay for expensive hormone treatments and mutilating surgery in order to conform her bodily reality to the mental understanding she has of herself.



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Quotation of the Week

“Avoid trivial pursuits. You are a child of God, destined for glory, and called to do great things in His Name. Do not waste your life on hobbies, sports, and other recreational pursuits. Do not throw away the precious moments of your life on entertainment, movies, and video games. Though some of these things can properly have a 'small place' in the Christian’s life, we must be careful not to give undue attention to temporal and fruitless activities. Do not waste your life. Employ the time of your youth in developing the character and skills necessary to be a useful servant of God.”   Paul Washer