At Tim Challies' blog today, he observed that today is the 60th anniversary of the martyrdom of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Roger Youderian, Ed McCully, and Pete Fleming. These five young men were attempting to reach the Auca natives in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. The wives of Elliot and Saint would return to the jungle and complete the work that their husbands began.
A friend of mine has stood on the beach where these men were murdered. The most startling thing about his story was that he stood there with one of the natives who helped commit those murders. The murderer was now an elder in the local church, and my friend, a missionary, was there to help in a Bible Institute program that was being held among Aucas.
It makes me wonder. Would I be willing to lay down my life that others might come to know Jesus? Would I be willing to be murdered so that my killer would come to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords?
A friend of mine has stood on the beach where these men were murdered. The most startling thing about his story was that he stood there with one of the natives who helped commit those murders. The murderer was now an elder in the local church, and my friend, a missionary, was there to help in a Bible Institute program that was being held among Aucas.
It makes me wonder. Would I be willing to lay down my life that others might come to know Jesus? Would I be willing to be murdered so that my killer would come to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords?