The Christian Post has an article detailing the story of World Vision's Gaza office being closed after one of its employees was indicted for redirecting aid funding to Hamas, the terrorist organization. You can read the article HERE.
The sad part of this story relates to how far World Vision has fallen. When this ministry began, its goal was to feed the hungry both physically and spiritually. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was always presented along with the food to fill the bellies of the hungry. However, somewhere along the way, the organization began to believe that it was more important to meet the physical needs of people than the spiritual. The Gospel gradually disappeared from their material and they began to appeal to the secular public for support. Then very quietly, about two decades ago, the organization made the decision to use Muslim proxies to bring relief to the suffering in Muslim lands. So what began as a distinctively Christian relief organization has become the equivalent of Care Canada or the Save the Children Fund.
That makes me sad. I am not sad that World Vision fill bellies. I am sad because they used to fill hearts too. They are so much less than they once were.
The sad part of this story relates to how far World Vision has fallen. When this ministry began, its goal was to feed the hungry both physically and spiritually. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was always presented along with the food to fill the bellies of the hungry. However, somewhere along the way, the organization began to believe that it was more important to meet the physical needs of people than the spiritual. The Gospel gradually disappeared from their material and they began to appeal to the secular public for support. Then very quietly, about two decades ago, the organization made the decision to use Muslim proxies to bring relief to the suffering in Muslim lands. So what began as a distinctively Christian relief organization has become the equivalent of Care Canada or the Save the Children Fund.
That makes me sad. I am not sad that World Vision fill bellies. I am sad because they used to fill hearts too. They are so much less than they once were.