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Ahead of Her Time

(Warning: the following article contains sarcasm and irony. The writer is not in any way endorsing the murder of helpless seniors.)

In our region of south-western Ontario, Canada, a nurse was recently arrested and accused of the murder of at least eight senior citizens under her care while she worked at two different nursing home residences.   With the present climate in Canada, I would argue that rather than being guilty, she was simply ahead of her time.

Our federal Liberal government  in June 2016 made doctor-assisted suicide legal in Canada.  At the time, CBC news reported:

In a joint statement, the ministers reiterated that the legislation "strikes the right balance between personal autonomy for those seeking access to medically assisted dying and protecting the vulnerable."
(article HERE)

Aren't you glad to know that the law will prevent any sort of abuse of the vulnerable?

Enter the University of Calgary. 

On January 23, 2017 the University of Calgary released a study which claims that the financial costs of implementing assisted suicide will be relatively minor.  In fact, the study concludes that assisted suicide could end up saving the health care system as much as 139 million dollars in treatments associated in end-of-life care (National Post).  Oh Happy Day!  Our beleaguered government health system is falling apart at the seams and anything that saves us money should be greeted with joy.

Except. . .now that we have put dollars and cents to killing ourselves, is there not going to be a pressure upon the elderly and dying to save health-care dollars for those of us who can actually get better with treatment?  How could an old dying person be so selfish as to use up all that money when it could go to people who need it?  And when things get really desperate, how long will it be before government steps in to make sure these people don't waste our valuable health resources?  Why give treatment to someone who is not going to improve?

So you see the nurse who killed her patients in Woodstock was not evil. Think of all money she saved for our health-care system by making sure that these selfish old people didn't waste our precious health resources.  She wasn't evil. . . She was only ahead of her time. 


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