For years Ken Hamm and other creationists have argued that the reason the church has been struggling with contemporary issues and how to deal with them is the wholesale rejection of a little interpretation of Genesis. In this article, Dan Phillips gives 26 reasons why the creationists were right.
Twenty-Six Reasons Why Genesis 1:1 Is the Most Offensive Verse in the Bible
Twenty-Six Reasons Why Genesis 1:1 Is the Most Offensive Verse in the Bible
This being my maiden voyage here, it would make sense to tell you a bit about myself and where I’ll be coming from. Or here’s an idea: show, don’t say! Instead, let’s talk about why Genesis 1:1 is the most offensive, infuriating verse in the Bible.
That’s right, the familiar “In the beginning” verse. Forget the ones about homosexuality, Hell, wifely submission, all the rest. Relatively small potatoes, every one of them. If you understand it correctly, Genesis 1:1 is the single verse that should send the modern mind into apoplectic fits of rage.
Let me count it out for you. In the process, I’ll also be laying out what moves and shapes how I approach the world – which is actually more consequential than any kind of bio or curriculum vitae would be.
Hitting the highlights, here are twenty-six reasons why Genesis 1:1 is the most offensive, enraging verse in the Bible to the modern mind:
1. Genesis 1:1 starts with God. It presents the specific living God of Scripture as the sole sufficient starting place for reasoning, not as a conclusion reached at the end of a syllogism or evidence chain. We don’t get to stack the deck by massaging a preselected set of facts to adorn our predetermined conclusion. (It isn’t our deck to stack.)
2. Genesis 1:1 presents God alone as sovereign and self-sufficient. We like to reserve those adjectives for ourselves.
Read the other 24 HERE