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Families' Fridays

The key to strong families is a strong marriage.   Ironically, after we wed, we often fail to do the things that strengthened our relationship as we courted.  Today's article is chock-full of inexpensive ideas to keep dating into our married life.

Dating your spouse is vital to the health of your marriage, since sharing experiences outside of your normal routines keeps your relationship fresh and strengthens your bond. But traditional dates are often so expensive that couples sometimes neglect dating rather than deal with the stress of paying for pricey dates, like dinner at a fancy restaurant followed by a movie.
The good news is that by using your God-given creativity, you can create big romance on a small budget. Here are 8 types of dates you and your spouse can enjoy together for only about $10:
Adventure dates. Imagine that you and your spouse are tourists visiting your hometown, and enjoy tourist attractions that you haven’t yet visited together. Go shopping together on a mission to buy surprise gifts for each other, spending no more than $5 each on those gifts. Attend a free community workshop or seminar with your spouse to learn something new. Drive some back roads in your area to explore, going as far out and back as you can afford on $10 worth of gas. Visit a local home improvement store together to plan future projects for your home.
Read the other 7 ideas HERE


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