Tolerance is the favourite word of all things progressive. We are supposed to support diversity in all forms whether we are talking of race, creed, sexual orientation or gender. After all we live in a pluralistic society where multiple cultures, religions and morals co-exist.
It is a lie. The progressives do not want tolerance. They want a totalitarianism of thought. Anyone who does not agree with the party line must be silenced or browbeaten into submission.
This week Google fired an engineer who had the audacity to suggest that men and women are not the same - that there are biological differences between the genders. As well, he accused the corporation of slanting its search results towards all things progressive. For deviating from the google dogma, his livelihood was taken away.
This should shock no one. The ruling party in the Canadian Parliament has refused to allow anyone who does not agree with abortion on demand to be democratically chosen by a riding association to run for the party. The Democrats in the States are eyeing the very same rule for their candidates. A baker in Seattle was fined $135,000 for refusing to make a $400 wedding cake for a gay couple. A Washington State florist lost her business over the same issue.
The progressives do not want tolerance. They want to punish all who disagree with them - and the punishment must be so severe that others will think twice before they dare to disagree with the liberal groupthink.
It is a lie. The progressives do not want tolerance. They want a totalitarianism of thought. Anyone who does not agree with the party line must be silenced or browbeaten into submission.
This week Google fired an engineer who had the audacity to suggest that men and women are not the same - that there are biological differences between the genders. As well, he accused the corporation of slanting its search results towards all things progressive. For deviating from the google dogma, his livelihood was taken away.
This should shock no one. The ruling party in the Canadian Parliament has refused to allow anyone who does not agree with abortion on demand to be democratically chosen by a riding association to run for the party. The Democrats in the States are eyeing the very same rule for their candidates. A baker in Seattle was fined $135,000 for refusing to make a $400 wedding cake for a gay couple. A Washington State florist lost her business over the same issue.
The progressives do not want tolerance. They want to punish all who disagree with them - and the punishment must be so severe that others will think twice before they dare to disagree with the liberal groupthink.