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The Dignity of Humanity

In the 150 years that Darwinism has been the accepted theory of the scientific community for the origin of mankind, it is not only the perception of God that has suffered.  A key "contribution" of the evolutionary hypothesis has been the destruction of the dignity of man.  If evolution is true then man is just an animal like all the rest.  He is not special, unique or otherwise worthy of attention.  The practical outworking of this new belief has been a litany of abuses against humanity.  Eugenics tried to breed the super man - the next evolutionary step forward.  Instead, it forcibly sterilized thousands of people because they were deemed unfit breeders.  Hitler tried to create his master race exterminating the lesser races.  Today abortion murders millions of babies, because they are not human, but "just a lump of fetal tissue."

But mankind does have dignity.  We were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27).  By eliminating God from the hypothesis, man has unwittingly removed the only reason that makes man special in the first place.


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