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The New Argument

I have noticed a trend among those who make the radical left argument for whatever popular debate is going on.  Whenever a conservative makes a point, she is asked how many homosexuals/Muslims/Mormons/Immigrants she actually knows.  The liberal who asks this question assumes that if the conservative actually knew any of these people personally she would realize that her argument is invalid. Or perhaps, the conservative would be able to put a real face to the "enemy" and would be more compassionate like the liberal.

The problem in this argument comes from the fact that many liberals cannot conceive that conservatives actually believe in something called truth.  Moreover, the conservatives may actually be among those dinosaurs that believe in unchanging truth.  We Christians particularly ought to fall into this category because we are supposed to believe that we have an unchanging truth revealed by an unchanging God.  If this is true, it is irrelevant whether I know any homosexuals/Muslims/Mormons/Immigrants.  The only relevant issue is what does God have to say about these people and issues. 

Further, the argument is nonsensical. How many murderers do I have to know before I can condemn murder?  Will getting to know a paedophile really well make me more likely to say that it is an alternate lifestyle?  Feelings change with the wind - truth doesn't.


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