Yesterday the committee for the Academy Awards (the Oscars) rescinded the nomination for best song for the song "Alone, Yet Not Alone." The song was a Christian song from a Christian movie sung by Christian singer/author/speaker Joni Eareckson Tada. Joni is a quadriplegic who serves God faithfully despite her disability. The reason given for the song's disqualification was that the song's producer sent out emails asking Academy voters to consider the song. Really? Every year Hollywood production companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to host gala events for voters in order to get there movie noticed. They have been known to give gift bags (bribes) to Academy members in order to gain their attention. This song was disqualified because one man sent emails asking members to consider the song? Sigh. What can we say? Darkness loves darkness and darkness hates light!
Why the Jewish Messiah is the Most Important Individual in History by Eric Davis What Christmas commemorates is big for many reasons. With the incarnation comes the Savior. For those who repent, there is justification, adoption, redemption, reconciliation, regeneration, sanctification, and, one day, glorification. But if we back up a bit, with the incarnation, there is the arrival of the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. It’s difficult for a 21 st century audience to appreciate the century-long yearning which the Hebrews had for the Messiah’s arrival. But why? What is the significance of the Jewish Messiah? Read the Article HERE .