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Bravo Mr. Harper

I have stayed away from politics in my blogs so far because of the divisive nature of such issues.  However, this political issue bleeds into the theological, so I feel I may cross the line.  Our Canadian Prime Minister has been in Israel this week.  While there he has unequivocally stated his and our countries support for the nation of Israel, its right to exist and its right to defend itself from attack.  As a Canadian and a Christian, I applaud my Prime Minister.

Now there are some Christians who would disagree with me.  It has become trendy and progressive in some circles to favour the Palestinians.  After all they tell me, Jesus always supported the poor and down-trodden.  The then argue that in this case the Palestinians are the poor and therefore, Christ would take up there cause.  I could suggest that there are several suspect assumptions in this argument, but I would rather make a positive Biblical case why I support Israel.

1.  The Abrahamic Covenant is still in effect. 

Genesis 12:3-4 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

I believe that those verses still are in effect for today.  God has protected these people, the Jews, for thousands of years and I think His Hand is raised against those who would do them harm. 

2.  I believe that God has a future for the nation of Israel and for the Jewish people. 

 Although they have been set aside as God's primary means of working in this age, God plans on returning to work with the Jews in the future.  Prior to the return of Jesus, God will bring great revival to the Jewish people and show them that Jesus is their Messiah (see Romans 11).

3.  I believe that my commitment to the protection of life demands it.

Huh?  What has that got to do with Israel and the Jews?  I know that many Christians would disregard my first two arguments because they are eschatological in nature.  Many have accepted the idea that the church has replaced Israel in God's plan.  Hence, they would just write off my first two reasons as theological abstractions.  However, there ought to be no doubt Biblically that God is pro-life.  Those who protect life align themselves with God and those who destroy life stand in opposition to God.  Contrary to what the North American media portrays, the Muslim nations surrounding Israel don't want an equitable settlement where both they and Israel are satisfied.  Their faith will never allow such a settlement.  The only position which will satisfy the Muslim nations will be the complete destruction of the nation of Israel and the genocide of the Jewish people.  If the Palestinians got there way, there would be a second holocaust.  In fact, the people now known as Palestinians supported Hitler in the first holocaust. For them and their religion there is no compromise solution.  Therefore, in the face of such savagery and hatred I must support Israel and the Jewish people's right to life - to exist.


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