This week at our church has been set aside as a week of prayer. As part of that observance, we put together a "Daily Bread" style devotional on prayer. Each entry was contributed by one of our missionaries or pastors.
Day Four
For his devotion today, Gary Stairs, our Word of Life missionary, chose Philippians 1:3-4. In that verse the apostle Paul says of the church in Philippi that he gives thanks upon every remembrance of them.
"This has always challenged me personally! I find it difficult to have a thankful heart and thankful prayer life when things go wrong, when criticism and failure come my way and the walls seem to close in and confine my perspective to a very narrow view of God's motives and His ways of working things for His Glory! When life puts me in the middle of disappointment and frustration I am often unable to pray and genuinely give thanks."
"So, I often have to remind myself. When I pray I need to thank God for every remembrance of those He has brought into my life, every remembrance of everything that God has allowed and used. Some may be painful, but all are precious in His sight."
Day Four
For his devotion today, Gary Stairs, our Word of Life missionary, chose Philippians 1:3-4. In that verse the apostle Paul says of the church in Philippi that he gives thanks upon every remembrance of them.
"This has always challenged me personally! I find it difficult to have a thankful heart and thankful prayer life when things go wrong, when criticism and failure come my way and the walls seem to close in and confine my perspective to a very narrow view of God's motives and His ways of working things for His Glory! When life puts me in the middle of disappointment and frustration I am often unable to pray and genuinely give thanks."
"So, I often have to remind myself. When I pray I need to thank God for every remembrance of those He has brought into my life, every remembrance of everything that God has allowed and used. Some may be painful, but all are precious in His sight."