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How to Spot a Wolf

Our society has elevated tolerance to the level of the last remaining virtue.  In doing so they have also redefined tolerance to mean that everyone must agree that everything is ok.  Unfortunately this trend has made its way into the church where it has manifested itself as a pathological refusal to allow anyone to criticize anyone (except, of course, it is perfectly acceptable to malign and name-call against anyone who is not tolerant).  However, there is far too much at stake to remain silent.  There are too many wolves in sheep's clothing.  We must be willing to call out those in our midst who are preaching a false gospel that is in fact leading people to destruction.  So how do we recognize those worthy of being called out?

Rick Henderson of has written an excellent article entitled "It is OK to Throw Stones If You are Throwing at Wolves."  In that article he has given some pointers on how we can spot the wolves in our pulpits.

They misuse the Bible.
God speaks to them frequently.
They take and spend a lot of money for themselves.
If you give to their ministry (they say) God will return even greater blessing to you in the future.
They talk about themselves – a lot.
They have no real accountability.
They frequently reference the size of the crowd to validate God’s anointing on them and their ministry.


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