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It is hard to believe that thirteen years have passed since the attacks on New York and Washington.  As I look back over the intervening years, I have to admit that I am dismayed that conditions only seem worse.  World leaders still appear clueless to the true nature of the threat that caused 9/11 and all of the disasters since.  People still mouth the foolishness that Islam is a religion of peace despite the 23,803 Islamic terrorist attacks the have taken place since 9/11 (see

I am convinced that our Western liberal culture cannot face the truth because to do so would require that they admit that there is true evil in the world.  It is not lack of education, employment or opportunities that causes this terror.  It is not poverty or hunger. It is pure and unadulterated evil in the hearts of these people.  Their religion is spawned of the Devil and their hearts are controlled by wickedness.  The reason our Western elites cannot admit this reality is that such a reality also opens to the door to the possibility that wickedness might be ruling in our own hearts as well - and if it is, then we might actually need the God and Saviour we have denied so long.

Pray for the victims of terror today.  Pray also for the perpetrators of that terror, because they too can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus.  Let's even pray for Western liberals that the grace of God might open their eyes to reality before it is too late.


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