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Jesus has been trivialized.

Controversial author and former megachurch Pastor Rob Bell has said he feels Jesus Christ has been trivialized in today's society, and people are abandoning the concept of adhering to a single religion.

The Christian Post today posted an interview with Rob Bell in which Bell claimed that Jesus has been trivialized.  He believes that people have moved beyond following just one religion and that some of the best followers of Jesus are actually people who would never call themselves Christians.

Well, for once I agree with Rob Bell.  Jesus has been trivialized.  Rob Bell and others like him have created a Jesus of their own imaginations who is absolutely insignificant to real life.  The Jesus they have imagined is a 21st century metrosexual.  He is a spineless wimp who held to no core beliefs beyond the command to love.  Their Jesus is no different than Buddha or Confucius. Their Jesus is trivial because it doesn't matter whether we really believe in him or not.

Their Jesus is not God in human flesh. Their Jesus is not the only Saviour of mankind.  Their Jesus is not the righteous judge who will on the day of judgment hold all men to account.  Their Jesus never said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No on comes to the Father but by me."  The real Jesus is never trivial because He is the only eternal hope for mankind.

Also - as an aside - the Christian Post makes Jesus trivial when it continues to consider the opinions and heresies of people like Rob Bell as worthy of being reported as "Christian" news.
"I think for many people, spirituality, religion, God, Jesus, whatever has been trivialized. I think we're way beyond one particular religion, we're about what does it mean to be human,"



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