Have you noticed the change? There was a time when the announcement of an impending birth would have brought nothing but joy and congratulations. Not so any more. Now people are concerned about how it might affect a person's lifestyle - "how can you possibly afford another?" Or perhaps they worry about one more carbon footprint being forced on old mother earth. It definitely will have an adverse effect upon your career.
The results of this change are evident every day in our world. Children are disposable. We abort them by the thousands for the sake of our lifestyle. The ones we keep, we subject to social experimenting that would make some of the worst historical dictators blush.
How very sad. I believe that each baby conceived in this world is a miracle of God's providence. Hence, each and every one of them ought to be cherished as a special blessing given to us by God himself. For those of us in Christ's church, the sound of that baby crying in church should not be a anger-causing distraction, but another reason to lift our voices in praise to the Almighty. I praise God for a church family that loves children and rejoices that they are with us as we worship our God.
The results of this change are evident every day in our world. Children are disposable. We abort them by the thousands for the sake of our lifestyle. The ones we keep, we subject to social experimenting that would make some of the worst historical dictators blush.
How very sad. I believe that each baby conceived in this world is a miracle of God's providence. Hence, each and every one of them ought to be cherished as a special blessing given to us by God himself. For those of us in Christ's church, the sound of that baby crying in church should not be a anger-causing distraction, but another reason to lift our voices in praise to the Almighty. I praise God for a church family that loves children and rejoices that they are with us as we worship our God.