The world correctly has been outraged by the kidnapping of the 276 Nigerian girls by the terrorist group Boko Haram. We pray that God will protect them from these criminals who intend to sell them as sex slaves and deliver them to return to their families. However, lost amid all the media attention on this case, is the reason these girls were kidnapped. They are Christians. Boko Haram is Muslim. This is another incident of the horrendous persecution of the church of Jesus by Muslim insurgents and terrorists in Nigeria. It infuriates me the way the press makes it appear that this is an equal opportunity conflict with vicious Christians on one side and vicious Muslims on the other. It is not. The only crime those on the Christian side of the conflict have been guilty of has been having faith in Jesus instead of Mohammed. Those poor little girls have received this despicable treatment purely due to the fact that they are identified with Christ.
Why the Jewish Messiah is the Most Important Individual in History by Eric Davis What Christmas commemorates is big for many reasons. With the incarnation comes the Savior. For those who repent, there is justification, adoption, redemption, reconciliation, regeneration, sanctification, and, one day, glorification. But if we back up a bit, with the incarnation, there is the arrival of the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. It’s difficult for a 21 st century audience to appreciate the century-long yearning which the Hebrews had for the Messiah’s arrival. But why? What is the significance of the Jewish Messiah? Read the Article HERE .