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Why Jesus is Better than the NBA

The news has been saturated these last few weeks with the story of a National Basketball Association owner who was recorded making some racist comments.  Everyone was bubbling over with righteous indignation and the hue and cry went up to punish him for his crimes.  Within a few short days the commissioner of the league passed down a sentence that included a 2.5 million dollar fine and a life-time ban from the league.  All the other owners were going to meet in order to determine whether he ought to even be allowed to continue owning the team.

I do not wish to make any sort of direct comment on this situation.  However, I do want to make one observation.  The world considers the church to be self-righteous.  We are haters.  We are intolerant.  We do not offer any grace or mercy in our judgment.  Yet, may I observe that when the world's standard is violated, there is no room for forgiveness or repentance.  The ban was life-time.  There was no possibility of restoration or reconciliation from the sin that was committed.  Praise God, Jesus is not like that.  Jesus has a much greater list of sins than the NBA, but He extends grace to all who will repent.  He extends forgiveness to all who ask.  He reconciles even the most vile sinner to Himself by the power of His own grace.


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