It is almost a joke to imagine I am introducing John MacArthur Jr. to you. In our circles of evangelicalism his is a well known name. He has spoken at the national convention of our Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists on at least three different occasions. However, the last of these was almost twenty years ago. I believe that is because we have changed as a Fellowship and have strayed from the message that Dr. MacArthur preaches. Dr. MacArthur has served his congregation since 1969. That, in itself, should commend this man's message to us.
As a pastor, I appreciate his commitment to the expository preaching of the Bible. He has published an entire New Testament commentary set based upon his faithful preaching of the text. I have never met this man personally, but I have appreciated him laying down a faithful path which younger men, like myself, have been able to follow.
Grace to You
As a pastor, I appreciate his commitment to the expository preaching of the Bible. He has published an entire New Testament commentary set based upon his faithful preaching of the text. I have never met this man personally, but I have appreciated him laying down a faithful path which younger men, like myself, have been able to follow.
Grace to You