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As I process the tragic events of this past week, the inevitable question becomes "Why?"  It is a question that is at once natural and normal and also one that very well could drive one to distraction.  As I go to God's Word, I find some clues and hints that might eventually lead to answering that question.  However, on the whole, I discover that it is a question in which Scripture does not place great interest.  Instead, the Bible focuses on "Who?" in times of great distress and tragedy.  Who - can we trust in such a time?  Who - will carry us through the grief that we are feeling?  Who - will keep His promises made to His children?

I cannot answer why God has taken my brother-in-law Ken after just 57 years in this world, but I can answer who has taken him.  God - has taken him into his eternal home in heaven.  God - has given him joy for evermore.  God - has kept his promises made to Ken when he trusted his eternal destiny to Jesus Christ the Lord.  God - will comfort his dear wife and children.  God - will care for them in Ken's absence.  God - can be trusted even in this - in fact, He is the only one who can be trusted at such a time as this!

For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. (2Ti 1:12 NAS)


Unknown said…
Once again, we see how wonderfully God loves us, God gave so many souls, Pastor Steve. Not only does he take care of his own wonderful family, even in times of personal struggles, he still encourages our hearts. I pray that my our light shines just as strong for your family as yours does for ours.

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