As I process the tragic events of this past week, the inevitable question becomes "Why?" It is a question that is at once natural and normal and also one that very well could drive one to distraction. As I go to God's Word, I find some clues and hints that might eventually lead to answering that question. However, on the whole, I discover that it is a question in which Scripture does not place great interest. Instead, the Bible focuses on "Who?" in times of great distress and tragedy. Who - can we trust in such a time? Who - will carry us through the grief that we are feeling? Who - will keep His promises made to His children?
I cannot answer why God has taken my brother-in-law Ken after just 57 years in this world, but I can answer who has taken him. God - has taken him into his eternal home in heaven. God - has given him joy for evermore. God - has kept his promises made to Ken when he trusted his eternal destiny to Jesus Christ the Lord. God - will comfort his dear wife and children. God - will care for them in Ken's absence. God - can be trusted even in this - in fact, He is the only one who can be trusted at such a time as this!
For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. (2Ti 1:12 NAS)
I cannot answer why God has taken my brother-in-law Ken after just 57 years in this world, but I can answer who has taken him. God - has taken him into his eternal home in heaven. God - has given him joy for evermore. God - has kept his promises made to Ken when he trusted his eternal destiny to Jesus Christ the Lord. God - will comfort his dear wife and children. God - will care for them in Ken's absence. God - can be trusted even in this - in fact, He is the only one who can be trusted at such a time as this!
For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. (2Ti 1:12 NAS)